He’s wise and very chill.
If I were a leaf, Oakford would be a leaf I’d hang out with for sure.
Fall is here and it’s my favorite season. In fact, I’m considering doing a leaf series of carvings.
Oakford is 11 inches tall & 8 inches wide.
Happy Fall!

Carved in driftwood. He is obviously very old and has been in water (Duck River) for a very long time. He may have even been burned at some point. I believe he’s hickory due to the hardness, density and color.
19 inches tall.

He is carved in a very old decorative post that still contains old embedded nails deep inside.
He is 30 inches (2-1/2 feet tall).

Carved in Cypress Knee
11-1/2 inches wide.

This is Walton.
He’s just not sure about it.
About what you ask?
About anything.
13 inches.

Fel is half-crazy, half-baked, half-cocked, half-a$$ed, half the calories and half-priced.
He is a half-chunk of splintered maple.
If you have half a mind to have him in your life, let me know. He’s All yours.
22 inches tall.

He is small but mighty. He was once mauled by a rabid squirrel and lived to tell about it. A chipmunk family took him in and nursed him back to health. He said he is forever in their debt and is now the godfather of little Charlie Chipmunk. Samuel has many stories of the wilderness and is happy to share them.
6 inches tall.

He’s a pretty chill guy with an odd sense of humor and loves meatballs and red wine (go figure).
Carved in red cedar and 17 inches tall.

She is a Woodland Dragon and a happy one. She has been around a long time as a lovely beech tree. Her beautiful attitude and spalted nature shines through.
She’s nearly 20 inches tall.

15-1/2 inches tall.

However, he has taken a part-time job at a local dispensary. Clearly his demeanor has changed.
10-1/2 inches tall.

We all know the “Get Off My Lawn!” guy.
Well Hackett doesn’t like squirrels and was often heard yelling “Get Off My Branch!”.
The squirrels would put their nuts on his branch just to irritate him. Picture that one. I wouldn’t appreciate it either.
13 inches.

He’s an Ent Psychologist. Tree Beings also have complicated lives.
Slow… but complicated.
14 inches.

He was a Branch Manager at Trees Are Us and is fully retired now. Wants to live the easy life and just hang around with cool folks and drink oak barrel bourbon.
15-1/2 inches.

It’s the end of September and Halloween is right around the corner. So, I’m getting in creepy fun mode with Barnabas. He may look creepy but he’s just practicing his sneer. He sure smelled good when he was showing up though.
9-1/2 inches.

Maverick is a former Western movie star. He starred in films like – The Good The Bad and the Fishy, Turtlestone, Wyatt Carp, Tuna Grit, The Magnificent Salmon, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Squid, Finfull of Dollars, Outlaw Josey Whales, even a comedy called Blazing Sandals. He also did his own stunts.
Quite a talented fish.
Carved in tree root.
18 inches.

Pippin is a Wood Gnome. No, he does not bake cookies in tree trunks.
I feel I have to be completely honest with you guys. He makes moonshine.
And he’s really good at it!
I have a feeling he had something to do with Bert’s party. He’s the last guy I posted. If you read that story, you’ll understand completely. Anyway, Pippin’s moonshine is made of all natural ingredients. Like tree bark, moss, hallucinogenic mushrooms (of course), raw honey and squirrel poop, you know…all natural ingredients. It’s almost a health drink!
He’s a very happy, chill and talented dude.
7 inches.