He’s kinda lonely and in search of a new life. Most of his friends joined the Wood Civil Service a while back. They are proud Fence Posts. Remus was a little too small to join so he focused on entomology (the “branch” of zoology concerned with the study of insects). Which was quite ambitious since red cedar is a natural insect repellent. Bugs just don’t like him. But that didn’t discourage him. And now he’s ready to retire and just hang out with a human family.
9 inches tall. Carved in red cedar.

What a nice guy. He’d give you the bark off his back if you needed it. Not really sure why you’d need some bark. But if you did, Stan’s your guy. Saw him having a beer with a couple beavers the other day. He gets along with everybody.
10 inches.

He’s retired but he’s still funny.
Carved in a chunk of tree root.
7-1/4 inches.

16-1/2 inches tall.

For the horse lover in your life.
She is carved in red oak. Patinated with artist oil paints.
She’s a big one at 35” x 11” x 4”, 13 lbs. Display Indoors.
CHRISTMAS SALE!!! Reduced from $1200 to $850.

Hooter is a hopeless hooligan who has hay fever, a hernia and occasional heartburn after having hare for supper. He has a slight hangover from mixing a Highball, Hot Buttered Rum and a Hairy Naval last night but he’s happy. A little Hair of the Dog might help.
Anyway, Hooter is carved in white oak.
He’s a pretty big fella at 35 inches tall, 14 inches wide, 3-1/2 inches thick.
He can be hung outside but advised to hang in the shade out of direct sunlight.
Since he is a slab of raw wood, he will have surface cracks. There is no way to stop that. However, he is sealed with Spar Urethane to reduce cracking and protect from UV.
CHRISTMAS SALE!!! Reduced from $600 to $500.

Needless to say, Spids gets right to the point…of everything.
17 inches tall, 17” wide.

Mask – Wood / Hemp rope / Acrylic paint.
36 inches tall (3 feet).

A flirt in the Baroque period. Carved in Cypress Knee.
The entire piece including the solid marble base is 14 inches tall.

13 inches tall.

13 inches tall.

There is another interesting aspect of this piece in my opinion. The finish I applied darkened the carved paper portion giving it the appearance of grey stone. I love it when I’m treated with unexpected and wonderful surprises that enhance my work.

Carved into five volumes of American Peoples Encyclopedia / 1969 Edition.